AI tools from Microsoft and Google are just streamlining middle management, leading AI expert says: WSJ

by Business Insider

Business Insider— Microsoft and Google rolled out their own AI-powered productivity tools last year, touting them as products that could revolutionize how people work.But one leading AI expert thinks otherwise.Ethan Mollick, a professor of management at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, has been tapped by the White House, JP Morgan, Google, and many others for his insights on artificial intelligence.In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mollick said Microsoft's Copilot and...

Tech Times—Meet MAI-1: Microsoft Is Developing New AI Model to Challenge Google and OpenAI, Report Says. Microsoft unveils MAI-1, its new AI language model to rival Google and OpenAI. With 500 billion parameters, it aims for sophistication and scale.

Los Angeles Times—Meta now has an AI chatbot. Experts say get ready for more AI-powered social media. When you use Facebook Messenger these days, a new prompt greets you with this come-on: "Ask Meta AI anything." You may have opened the app to send a text to a pal, but Meta's new artificial-intelligence-powered chatbot is tempting you with encyclopedic knowledge that's just a few keystrokes away. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has planted its home-grown chatbot on its Whatsapp and Instagram services. Now, billions of internet users can open one of these free social media platforms and...

MYHIGHPLAINS—AI could be used to influence election, says experts. Top national intelligence leaders briefed senators Thursday on worldwide threats to America. Topics ranged from election interference to AI, and state and individual actors.