Advocacy group again slams voc-tech school admissions

by— Three years ago, vocational high schools statewide were directed to create admissions policies that would ensure all students equitable access to education. Now these schools are again the target of complaints that their admissions practices discriminate on the basis of race, income, special needs and English language skills.—Need time to study impact of proposed digital competition law, say tech policy advocacy groups. A group of 21 organisations, including Broadband India Forum, Deepstrat, the Internet Freedom Foundation, and the Dialogue, as well as some individuals, have written to the government asking for a five-month extension to the May 15 deadline to provide inputs to the draft of the Digital Competition Bill.In the letter addressed to the ministry of corporate affairs, the organisations and individuals have argued that the extension in the comments submission timeline was necessary to allow...

Charleston City Paper—Community groups step up demands for school improvement. Two advocacy groups met this month with local school officials to discuss the functions of the Charleston County School District (CCSD) Board of Trustees and student academic performance.—Law group calling for Springfield schools superintendent process to start over. A law group is calling for the process to start over for a new Springfield Public Schools Superintendent.