Actions needed beyond lawsuit to address social media's influence on youth, say experts

by— While four Ontario school boards recently announced a $4.5-billion lawsuit against the social media giants behind Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok, Brock University experts are calling for additional actions to address the influence popular online platforms have on teens.

Washington Examiner—Social media’s collective action problem. A mostly forgotten footnote in the development of modern transportation is that early railroad passengers were often locked into their carriages. In retrospect, it seems obvious that bolting people into combustible and accident-prone vehicles was a bad idea, but the railroad is a useful reminder that humans are not always good at anticipating the effects […]

San Bernardino Sun—Sammy’s Law in California seeks to protect youth from social media drug sales. After their son died from a fentanyl pill purchased on social media, Sammy Berman and Laura Chapman fight for change.

@sbsun—Sammy’s Law in California seeks to protect youth from social media drug sales. After their son died from a fentanyl pill purchased on social media, Sammy Berman and Laura Chapman fight for change.