18 Lululemon Picks That Make Perfect Mother’s Day Gifts

by Refinery29

Refinery29— Looking for a crowd-pleasing Mother's Day gift? Choose something the mom in your life will definitely use — like a pair of buttery-soft leggings with pockets or a sporty-chic fanny pack. And, when in doubt of where to buy such crowd-pleasing staples, go with a reader-favorite — like Lululemon. Whether you've got a hard-to-gift mom on your hands or you’re looking to treat a first-time mom, we’ve combed through the popular activewear retailer's dedicated Mother's Day gifting hub to pluck out the...

CafeMom—Mother’s Day Gifts Perfect for Mom & Baby. These gifts are special for new moms—and the best part is that both baby and mom can enjoy them.

Refinery29—28 Luxury Mother’s Day Gifts That Will Make You Her Favorite Child. If there’s anyone that deserves to be celebrated come May 12, it’s your mom. After all, she did give you life and someone to vent to during your angsty teenage years (and beyond). While moms are famous for saying things like, “Don't spend your money on me,” ” and “Being with you is more than enough,” we know better than to show up to brunch this Mother’s Day empty-handed. We’re going a step further with a splurge-worthy luxury gift that will cement our status as her favorite.Luxury gifts aren’t...

Pedestrian TV—18 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas The Angelic Woman Who Raised You Will Actually Like. Mother’s Day in Australia is just over a month away, and we can already sense millions of kids nationwide scouring the internet trying to work out what makes a good present. Guys, we’re not messing with you — Mother’s Day gift shopping is hard. Buying the perfect gift for your mum can feel borderline impossible. […]