• Does Powder Sunscreen Actually Work?

    Sunscreen does a great job of protecting our skin from rays that can cause skin cancer, as well as thickening and wrinkling of the skin as we age. But it also feels kind of greasy and goopy sometimes, especially when applied to the face, leaving many of us wondering if there might not be a better way to apply it. Sunscreen powders sound like a promising development. But do they work?

  • What My Soviet Life Taught Me About Censorship

    Censorship obscures our view of reality and impedes our society’s ability to function.

  • Inbox: It was a bold call, and it worked out

    Michael from Baraboo, WI. Looking forward to the schedule release. The NFL sure knows how to put on a show, don't they? Always.

  • A life in quotes: Alice Munro

    Writer known as ‘Canadian Chekhov’ captured the desire and darkness of ordinary life in rural Canada, particularly for womenAlice Munro, Nobel winner and titan of the short story, dies aged 92Alice Munro obituaryAlice Munro, the 2013 Nobel laureate considered one of the greatest short story writers in the English language, has died at the age of 92 at her care home in Ontario, after suffering dementia for more than a decade. Born and raised in south-western Ontario, the “Canadian Chekhov”...

  • Learn to work with your AI Teammate.

    Google added a new feature to Workspace that lets users ask an AI agent questions about meetings, emails, and everything else that someone may need to know at work. The AI Teammate, renamed Chip during Google I/O, takes information from company data to answer questions. [Attachment: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/eSWGSMxL9V3GV40pID_d_BwDcDY=/0x0:820x694/820x694/filters:focal(410x347:411x348)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/25447823/google_io_2024_106.jpg]

  • Bryan Sanders is biking to work?

    The First Gentleman is biking to work on Friday. Wait a second, what?

  • 2024 National March for Life

    On May 9, thousands of students, families and Canadians from all walks of life gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the 2024 National March for Life. Special guests Kevin Dunn and pro-life speaker Abby Johnson led countless people in the fight for life — reminding the world that no matter where we are, pro-life warriors will always peacefully assemble and raise our voices for the voiceless: our unborn brothers and sisters. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android!...

  • Peacock has ‘The Office’ spinoff in the works

    EYEWITNESS NEWS (WBRE/WYOU) — For those who love Dunder Mifflin, the streaming service Peacock says they're bringing back the world of "The Office." Coming back with a new version of the show, created by Greg Daniels, and developed alongside Michael Koman, the show that is currently untitled will feature Domhnall Gleeson from Star Wars and []

  • Life By You Release Date Delayed Indefinitely

    Paradox's Life By You has been delayed again, this time without any new release date or timeframe for the upcoming Sims-like game Read this article on TechRaptor

  • Exploring extremes in the search for life on Mars

    People might assume the search for life on Mars ended when NASA's first rovers sent back images of the planet's barren, inhospitable surface. However, as scientists broaden their understanding of the extreme conditions in which life can flourish here on Earth—and expand their notions of what extraterrestrial life might look like—the search for life on Mars continues.

  • How to recognise if the security of your work device has been breached

    In an era of heightened security risks, what are some of the red flags that indicate your work device has been compromised? : How to recognise if the security of your work device has been breached

  • So the Netherlands has 31 out of 720 MEPs. How does that work?

    The Netherlands goes to the polls on June 6 to elect 31 new members of the European parliament. But how important is the EU body, and what does it actually do? The European parliament is a directly elected EU body chosen by EU nationals with legislative, supervisory, and budgetary responsibilities. It will have 720 MEPs after the coming election and divides its time between Strasbourg in France and Brussels. The parliament has three main roles. Firstly, it deals with EU