• Putin Ally Insists 'Nuclear War Is Inevitable'

    Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian propagandist and ally to President Vladimir Putin, insisted that "nuclear war is inevitable" on a recent episode of his television show.Amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which Putin fully launched in February 2022, there have been fears that the conflict could escalate to nuclear war. Earlier this month, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov warned that while Moscow's nuclear war policy hasn't changed, the situation is fluid.Meanwhile, Russia's military...

  • Dutton and Albanese playing nuclear politics. What's the scam?

    Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been having a ball calling out Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s lack of forthrightness in telling Australians where he planning to put nuclear power plants should he be successful in winning government.

  • Coalition commits to nuclear despite damning report

    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has doubled down on plans to implement nuclear power in Australia, despite an independent report showing it would be significantly more expensive than renewables. Updated economic modelling released on Wednesday found renewable energy, including costs associated with transmission and big batteries to support it, remains the cheapest new-build technology. Prepared by […]

  • The Shadow War: Cognitive Warfare and the Politics of Disinformation

    For better or for worse, we live in a world that is an anarchy of nations. Over the last few decades, warfare has transcended traditional battlefields. We may already be experiencing a cold World War III, not with bombs and tanks, but through the covert methods of cognitive warfare and disinformation campaigns. IT professionals find themselves literally in the trenches of this war.

    • RTE.ie

    Raisi: hardliner on morality, protests and nuclear talks

    Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, whose helicopter crashed in mountainous terrain, has become a contender to be Iran's next supreme leader with a clampdown on morality questions and a bloody crackdown on the nationwide protests it triggered.

  • Tehran's Nuclear Threats Raise Global Concerns

    Acquiring nuclear weapons has long been a taboo topic in Iran, where the country's supreme leader has declared them un-Islamic. But a growing number of Iranian officials in recent weeks have openly suggested that the Islamic republic could weaponize its nuclear program, which Tehran has long claimed is strictly for civilian purposes. The change in rhetoric has coincided with Tehran's growing hostilities with Israel. Last month, Israel launched an attack on Iran in response to Tehran's...

  • Dutton avoiding proposed nuclear sites, minister claims

    Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has been accused of avoiding naming the Australian communities he believes are best suited to house nuclear reactors. The coalition has earmarked plans to add nuclear energy to the power grid, should it win the next election. While the locations and number of nuclear power reactors are yet to be formally […]

  • Residents will be fine with nuclear plants, says Dutton

    Peter Dutton has played down community concerns over plans to build nuclear power plants near former coal or gas sites. The coalition has announced plans to add nuclear to Australia’s energy grid by building several reactors, should it win the next election. While the opposition has come under pressure to reveal their proposal’s locations and […]

  • Put nuclear where gas and coal is now, Dutton says

    People living near proposed nuclear power sites would mostly be receptive to their introduction, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton claims. The coalition has announced plans to add nuclear to Australia’s energy grid by building several reactors, should it win the next election. While the opposition has come under pressure to reveal their proposal’s locations and costings, […]

  • France tests updated air-launched nuclear missile

    France on Wednesday carried out its first test firing of an updated nuclear-capable missile designed to be launched by a Rafale fighter jet, Defence Minister Sebastien Lecornu said.

  • Mad Vlad's nuclear tantrums spook Biden into submission

    Here we go again: Russian President Vladimir Putin is having another one of his nuclear temper tantrums.

  • Large-scale nuclear included in Australian cost report

    Large-scale nuclear has been included for the first time in national science agency CSIRO's annual GenCost report, which has included small modular reactors since its inception in 2018.