This cookout staple is an American favorite. I’m not a fan

    It’s Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial kickoff of summer in the US, which means Americans are practically required under federal law to gather friends and family, fire up the grill and cook something. For many people, that means scarfing down some hot dogs. I will not be one of those people. In the vast smorgasbord of festive foods, hot dogs have never done it for me. I’m not a vegetarian or a picky eater, and I’m not on some nitrates-free health kick. I just don’t care for them. During peak...

    • MSNBC

    Americans' denial about Trump's authoritarianism is deeper than ever

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who incited a violent insurrection in January 2021 to try and remain in office illegally after he lost the 2020 election, has been clear about what kind of president he intends to be if he returns to the White House in January 2025. In December 2023, he declared that he would be a dictator “on Day One” of his time in office. He proposed deploying the National Guard and even the military as a deportation force in an April interview with Time...

  • What It's Like Backpacking in Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan as an American

    Dreaming of quitting your job to go traveling around the globe? Well, one American did just that on a quest to visit every country in the world and ended up at the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan."There was an eerie silence and stillness in that moment, and those simple three words will forever be engraved in my mind," Eli Snyder, a 25-year-old from Kansas City, Missouri, told Newsweek, recalling the moment a Taliban official at the border looked him the eye and said "Welcome to...

  • Valley native retires from the NFL after health scare

    Price made the announcement on social media on Saturday morning.

  • American Stearns Wins Maiden WTA Title

    American Peyton Stearns clinched her first WTA title with victory over Egypt's Mayar Sherif in the final of the clay-court event in Rabat on Saturday.

  • 1 In 7 American Kids Live In Poverty

    1 In 7 American Kids Live In Poverty More than 11 million children were estimated to be living in poverty in 2021, according to U.S. Census Bureau data published by the Children’s Defense Fund. That equates to around one in seven children in the U.S., or 15.3 percent. It’s a high toll, and one even higher than the adult population, which was 10.5 percent for 19-64 year olds that year and 10.3 percent for adults aged 65+. According to an analysis by the Peter G. Peterson...

  • Why do Americans tip when people in other countries don’t have to?

    One expert credits America’s strong tip culture with weaker unions.

  • Excerpt: A leftist grandson seeks 'American Inheritance'

    The images of bright-eyed and well-fed youth turning their lush college greens into shantytowns is but the latest spectacle from a generation that seems to be in a state of perpetual protest.What's so bad about America?Not everyone causing a ruckus cares about the question. As always, every riot attracts those who simply want to watch things burn. But we shouldn't discount the sincerity of many of the protesters, no matter how misguided their way of expressing it.Perhaps it would be helpful to...

  • Native Missouri plants available at upcoming sale

    JOPLIN, Mo. — The Missouri Black-Eyed Susan, the Little Bluestem, and, of course, the Butterfly Milkweed—these are all native plants Missouri conservationists are urging you to put in your landscaping. So much so, that they’ll all be available at the bi-annual Shoal Creek Conservation Center Native Plant Sale this weekend. The plethora of plants available []

  • Migrant Says That Americans Should Be Scared About CA Border

    A Turkish man who was caught crossing the Mexican border into California is speaking out.

  • 7 things to know about the American School in Paris

    It's one of the best-known international schools in Paris so here's a look at what the American School in Paris offers - from the curriculum and extra activities to its fee structure and admissions policies.

  • Corporations are forcing Americans to pay more for less – in their own words

    Companies in the oil, hotel, meat and other sectors are price-gouging the US public. They’re not hiding it, eitherIn 2022, the Biden administration and the oil industry were in a brutal fight over oil prices. The president was demanding that domestic oil producers invest and drill more to address spiking costs, but Texas frackers were recalcitrant. “Whether it’s $150 oil, $200 oil, or $100 oil, we’re not going to change our growth plans,” the Pioneer CEO, Scott Sheffield, said, echoing comments...