• Letter to the editor: Trial reveals crimes, but they're not Trump's

    So far, two crimes have been revealed during former President Donald Trump’s alleged hush money trial (“Michael Cohen admits stealing $30K from Trump Organization,” web, May 20).

  • Letter to the editor: Stop trying to 'cancel' Butker

    Over the past few decades we have witnessed a Marxist-style cultural revolution in our country that has attempted to cancel our history and take away our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

  • ICC's Netanyahu warrant: Letters to the Editor — May 23, 2024

    The Issue: The ICC filing applications for arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas leaders. The International Criminal Court has set some kind of record. It has moved to issue arrest warrants for the leaders of Israel and Hamas for war crimes while the war is still being waged (“ICC is out to bust Bibi,” May

  • Letters to the Editor: Newsom's in no position to pontificate at the Vatican on climate change

    To the editor: Gov. Gavin Newsom speaking at the Vatican about climate change is the height of hypocrisy. His supposed dedication to addressing the issue is not absolute and, likely, heavily impacted by powerful lobbies that hold sway over him. He has been silent about decisions made by his appointees at the California Public Utilities Commission that undermine rooftop and community solar. These decisions deny Californians important strategies for accessing truly renewable energy, and Newsom's...

  • Letters to the Editor: Prison migrant shelter unfit for vulnerable populations

    Migrant prison shelter unfit for vulnerable populations I am writing to express my strong opposition to the state’s decision to convert the former Norfolk Prison into a shelter for migrant families without prior notice or community input. This move is a textbook example of bureaucratic recklessness, ignoring the concerns and well-being of local residents. The […]

  • Trump's historic Bronx rally: Letters to the Editor — May 27, 2024

    The Issue: Former President Donald Trump’s historic 2024 presidential election rally in The Bronx. There must have been nearly 10,000 New Yorkers, if not more, present at former President Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx last Thursday (“Boogie Don in Da Bx.,” May 24). They were shouting cheers of support for Trump’s pledge to repeat

  • Letters to the Editor: The stunning Sutter Buttes are off-limits to the public. Keep them that way

    To the editor: That there are still places such as the Sutter Buttes inaccessible to almost all visitors ought to make us drop to our knees in gratitude. Yes, I am a progressive, but I draw a very strong line against the view that we humans should have unfettered freedom to enter any natural space we desire. A few years ago I watched a family at Multnomah Falls in Oregon, having lugged a huge basket of picnic food, leave wrappers, cans and other trash in this pristine spot. Numerous articles...

  • Eric Adams' zoning confusion and more: Letters to the Editor — May 26, 2024

    NY Post readers discuss NYC zoning laws, the Knicks’ defeat and Columbia University.

  • Letters to the Editor: Trump supporters are everywhere, integrity isn't. Nikki Haley blew it

    To the editor: I have a question for former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. She recently made the decision to endorse a man whom she had cast as unfit for office. Why didn't she stay true to herself and see further down the road? Haley earned her supporters' trust. I admire that, and even though I have my differences with her, integrity seems to be a rare commodity. Why didn't she give herself the chance to bring back to the Republican Party the principles it has abandoned and...

  • Nikki Haley's Trump support: Letters to the Editor — May 25, 2024

    The Issue: Former GOP prez wannabe Nikki Haley’s announcement that she will vote for Donald Trump. Good for Nikki Haley for taking a significant first step in burying the hatchet and trying to unify the GOP by publicly saying, “I will be voting for Trump” (“United GOP vs. divided Dems,” May 24). She went on

  • Letters to the Editor: Do Trump's Christian supporters worship a different version of Jesus?

    To the editor: What has Donald Trump ever done to suggest that he is in any way aligned with Jesus? It is one thing to say that King David was also imperfect, but to be totally flawed and proud of it does not reflect Christ. ("Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president’s backers say he shares faith, values," May 20) Rather, it is becoming an ever more glaring reality that what passes itself off as "conservative Christianity" is not remotely Christian at its core. What did...

  • Letters to the Editor: It isn't just Hollywood writers struggling a year after the WGA strike

    To the editor: I was relieved to see an article, finally, addressing the struggle that Hollywood screenwriters are experiencing in the aftermath of the Writers Guild of America strike that began one year ago. Still, the article should have mentioned the thousands of others who are hired to work on projects as well — hairstylists, makeup artists, costume management, dressers and editors, to name a few. It is heartbreaking to hear of the struggle and losses from these professionals who, after a...