• Apple Releases Open Source AI Models That Run On-Device

    Apple today released several open source large language models (LLMs) that are designed to run on-device rather than through cloud servers. Called OpenELM (Open-source Efficient Language Models), the LLMs are available on the Hugging Face Hub, a community for sharing AI code. As outlined in a white paper [PDF], there are eight total OpenELM models, four of which were pre-trained using the CoreNet library, and four instruction tuned models. Apple uses a layer-wise scaling strategy that is...

  • Apple release new open source AI models for on device processing

    In a significant move towards enhancing privacy and processing efficiency, Apple has introduced a series of open source large language models (LLMs) known as OpenELM. These models are uniquely designed to operate directly on devices, diverging from the traditional reliance on cloud-based computations. This shift not only promises to improve user privacy by processing data […]

  • Apple releases eight small AI language models aimed at on-device use

    OpenELM mirrors efforts by Microsoft to make useful small AI language models that run locally.

  • Apple releases OpenELM: small, open source AI models designed to run on-device

    In terms of performance, the OpenLLM results shared by Apple show that the new models perform fairly well, especially the one with 3 billion parameters.

  • New Llama 3 LLM AI model released by Meta AI

    Meta’s recent unveiling of Llama 3, a new state-of-the-art large language model, signifies a groundbreaking leap forward in the realm of artificial intelligence. This powerful model comes in two distinct versions: an 8 billion parameter model and a more advanced 70 billion parameter variant. Llama 3 is engineered to drastically enhance the performance of AI-driven […]

  • New Phi-3 AI small language models (SLM) released by Microsoft

    Microsoft has introduced a new series of language models named Phi-3, which includes the Phi-3-Mini, Phi-3-Small, and Phi-3-Medium. These models are state-of-the-art in their respective weight classes and are designed to be highly efficient and capable, with the Phi-3-Mini being small enough for mobile deployment. The Phi-3-Mini packs an impressive 3.8 billion parameters into a […]

  • OpenAI GPT-2 AI model released to the Chatbot Arena – Early ChatGPT-5?

    OpenAI has introduced a new AI model, referred to as the GPT2 chatbot, into the Chatbot Arena, a platform where different AI systems are tested against each other through user queries. This model has sparked speculation about ChatGPT5 its capabilities and potential identity, with some suggesting it could be GPT 4.5 or even GPT 5. […]

  • Apple releases new family of Open-source Efficient Language Models as AI work progresses

    Ahead of iOS 18’s debut at WWDC in June, Apple has released a family of open-source large language models. Called OpenELM, Apple describes these as: a family of Open-source Efficient Language Models. In its testing, Apple says that OpenELM offers similar performance to other open language models, but with less training data. more

  • Sanctuary AI and Microsoft to work on the development of AI models for general purpose robots

    Sanctuary AI, a startup which is trying to create the world’s first human-like intelligence in general purpose robots, today announced its partnership with Microsoft. Both the companies will be working on the development of AI models for general purpose humanoid robots. Also, they will work to improve AI research and development and Sanctuary AI will be using […]

    • Neowin

    Microsoft and Sanctuary AI team up to help develop AI models for future humanoid robots

    Microsoft has just announced another partnership with an AI startup company, Sanctuary AI. The two businesses will work together to create a human-like AI model for general purpose robots.

  • Meta Free AI Models and Integrating AI Ask Meta Query Into Facebook and Instagram

    Meta has put Meta AI front and center in the search bars for Facebook and Instagram that have served as key tools to find content from particular friends or creators. This is what the All-in-Podcast guys called scorched Earth for AI. This means almost no one will pay the $20 per month or other subscriptions

  • Global AI Revolution: WorkML.ai Hub and WML Token – Press release Bitcoin News

    PRESS RELEASE. WorkML.ai is developing a revolutionary platform that will harness the potential of hundreds of thousands of annotators from around the globe. Through comprehensive training programs, WorkML.ai aims to qualify annotators to produce high-quality Metadata, essential for enhancing AI models. Annotators will be compensated in WML tokens for their contributions, creating a dynamic ecosystem. […]