Wild horses to remain in North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park, lawmaker says

by FOX News

FOX News— Wild horses will stay in North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park amid fears from advocates that park officials would remove the beloved animals from the rugged badlands landscape, a key lawmaker said Thursday. Republican U.S. Sen. John Hoeven said he has secured a commitment from the National Park Service to maintain wild horses in the park, though the number remains to be determined. Roughly 200 horses now roam the park. THEODORE ROOSEVELT NATIONAL PARK TO REMOVE NEARLY HALF ITS BISON...

The Center Square—Hoeven: Wild horses will still run through Theodore Roosevelt National Park. (The Center Square) - The wild horses won't be kept away from North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park after all, according to U.S. Sen. John Hoeven, R-N.D. The National Park Service is abandoning its plan to remove the horses, which have roamed through the park for decades, the senator said Thursday. “These wild horses are emblematic of President Theodore Roosevelt’s time in North Dakota, a formative experience that shaped his presidency and lasting...

National Park Service (.gov)—Man approached bison too closely in Yellowstone National Park and was injured - Yellowstone National Park (U.S. News Release Date: April 29, 2024. Contact: Morgan Warthin, (307) 344-2015. Incident details. A 40-year-old male, Clarence Yoder, of Idaho...

LASVEGASNOW—Nevada’s largest wild horse holding facility reports 11% mortality rate, AWHC says. Nevada’s largest holding facility reported an 11% mortality rate among wild horses in 2023, according to the American Wild Horse Conservation.