Why is 4/20 the unofficial weed day? The history behind April 20 and marijuana

by USA Today

USA Today— April 20 has become synonymous with marijuana. But how did a random spring day earn this unofficial holiday status? We explain.

Yellow Advertiser—It happened today - this day in history - April 20. 1611: First known performance of Shakespeare's “Macbeth” at the Globe Theatre, London. 1657: Battle in Santa Cruz Bay, Tenerife: The English...

KWCH—4/20: Wichita businesses, law enforcement prepare for unofficial ‘marijuana holiday’. CBD stores around Wichita are gearing up for more customers while law enforcement agencies prepare to crack down on impaired drivers throughout Kansas.

WOODTV.com—Happy 4/20: Where to find free or discounted food on April 20. (NEXSTAR) – If you find yourself feeling a bit snacky on Saturday (for whatever reason; we're not here to judge), you might be totally...