• Pollak: 13 Trump Policies That Biden Reversed, Making War More Likely

    By reversing Trump's successful "America First" policies, Biden created the conditions for war in the Middle East, and in Europe as well.

  • What happens if the presidential election between Biden and Trump ends in a TIE? It happened exactly 200 years ago

    with the election being decided on the margins, there's a question over whether either major party presidential hopeful will reach the necessary 270 Electoral College votes to win outright this fall.

  • Whatever Happened To Adam Lambert?

    Adam Lambert became an instant star during his 2009 run on the mega-hit, "American Idol." What has the glam rocker been up to since? Let's find out!

  • Cowardly Trump promises another vaporous policy document

    Doing the same old song and dance, adjudicated rapist and real estate fraud, Donald Trump promised that he'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberder today. Unwilling to upset anyone, or perhaps unable to understand the question, a Presidential candidate who just had his raw dogging of a porn star entered into evidence in criminal court failed to take a stand on contraception. — Read the rest

  • Trump Foreign Policy Team Meets with Officials in Jerusalem

    Three foreign policy aides to former President Donald Trump met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, according to a report by Reuters. A source told the news agency that the group consisted of former Ambassador to Switzerland Ed McMullen, former National Security Advisor Robert O’Brian, and former Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates

  • Trump foreign policy advisers said to have met Netanyahu

    Source says delegation aimed to understand complex political situation, also met with Opposition Leader Lapid, brought no message to Israeli officials from Republican candidate

  • Trump shamed for deluge of 'punts' that make policy 'remarkably unclear'

    Donald Trump frequently repeats that he intends to "look into it" when asked about a specific policy — now he's punted so many time his stance on multiple issues is "remarkably unclear," a Washington Post columnist wrote.Trump spoke to one local news affiliate this week, where he claimed he was looking into a plan to restrict contraception for women. He has since tried to walk it back, but such flubs might be why Trump is dodging questions on policy positions, Aaron Blake wrote.The columnist...

  • Trump threatens 'interesting' policy to let states restrict contraception

    As if Donald Trump’s plan to end the right to abortion wasn’t bad enough, now he’s got a new plan for birth control. In an interview with Pittsburgh news station KDKA’s Jon Delano on Tuesday, Trump was asked whether he supports any restrictions on the right to contraception. His answer was hardly reassuring. “We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly,” Trump said. “And I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting.” He added that he thinks it’s “a smart...

  • Editorial: Whatever happened to L.A.'s plan to end its reliance on landfills?

    The smoldering, stinking mess at the Chiquita Canyon Landfill in Castaic is a glaring example of the environmental and public health hazards created by burying our trash — and how state and local leaders have allowed this problem to pile up. As county and state leaders consider what to do with the dump, they have to contend with another problem: If they close Chiquita Canyon, the trash will just be trucked to another landfill in the region, shifting the emissions and environmental impact to...

  • Wall Street tycoon Stephen Schwarzman reverses course and backs Trump

    Billionaire investor, who had turned his back on former president, says he

  • ‘Shallow Bathtub’: CNNer Busts Out Laughing at Idea Trump Knows Policy

    The end of the 7 a.m. hour of Wednesday morning’s CNN News Central report left us wondering how serious CNN takes their analysis. In an attempt to cover a story, respecting the opinions of both sides of the aisle, former Trump White House Communications Director Mike Dubke defended his former boss’s recent comments on contraception policy. However, instead of responding to his opinion in respectful disagreement, left-wing political analyst Bakari Sellers, interrupted the dialogue by laughing at...

  • ‘Shallow Bathtub’: CNNer Busts Out Laughing at Idea Trump Knows Policy

    The end of the 7 a.m. hour of Wednesday morning’s CNN News Central report left us wondering how serious CNN takes their analysis. In an attempt to cover a story, respecting the opinions of both sides of the aisle, former Trump White House Communications Director Mike Dubke defended his former boss’s recent comments on contraception policy. However, instead of responding to his opinion in respectful disagreement, left-wing political analyst Bakari Sellers, interrupted the dialogue by laughing at...