What to look out for when choosing childcare


LASVEGASNOW— LAS VEGAS (KLAS) -- When you're a relatively new parent, deciding on a daycare center for your little one is a daunting task. So, how do you choose the right childcare center, and where do you start? At the age of 19, Amber Jayne started teaching preschool. A few years later, she opened up her own []

VG247—Helldivers 2's latest Major Order forces players to choose between two weapons, and yup, the rocket launcher looks to be winning early. Bad news, people who like stratagems that don't easily lend themselves to being wielded like a power-crazed idiot, Helldivers 2's latest Major Order is designed around forcing people to choose between a rocket launcher and another weapon. As no one could have predicted, early signs look to be pointing the way of the rocket launcher.This order seems like it may well have been designed specifically to target what's been a bit of a weakness for the forces of Super Earth so far - not being able to...

Buffalo Rising—First Look presents a fine look at the future (or is it now?) with THE A.I. AT DELPHI.. THE BASICS:  THE A.I. AT DELPHI, a new play by Bella Poynton, directed by Jeffrey Coyle, presented by First Look Buffalo, starring: Melinda Capeles, Lisa Ludwig, Jon May, and Anthony []

The Guardian—Looking for role models among the spiritual leaders of history? Look to the women in their lives. I want a spiritual role model who would have understood how to avert a meltdown at school pickup. So who are the women spiritual leaders?Sometimes I think the entire point of religion is to help men behave more like women.Members of a religious community are supposed to get along with each other, even if they don’t like each other. But women don’t need religious rules to teach them social graces. From birth, we are socialised to prioritise the needs of the collective above our own. Continue...