What Is the Process When Your Luggage Is Stolen or Lost?

by clark.com

clark.com— Clark Howard’s “never check luggage on a flight” policy is extreme — especially for a two-week trip. But he never has to worry about lost, damaged or stolen luggage. I checked a bag on a flight last year. And through a series of colossal blunders, I nearly lost some semi-valuable items forever. Fortunately, I placed […]

Simplemost—How to prevent lost luggage and avoid all that arrival stress. From trackers to luggage covers, these tips on how to prevent lost luggage can help ensure you and your suitcase actually arrive together.

San Francisco Chronicle—Rep. Adam Schiff's luggage stolen by car burglars in SF. Hello to the city, goodbye to your luggage. That was U.S. Senate candidate Adam Schiff’s rude introduction to San Francisco’s vexing reputation for car burglaries Thursday when thieves swiped the bags from his car while it sat in a downtown parking garage. The heist meant the Democratic congressman got stuck at a fancy dinner party in his shirt sleeves and a hiking vest while everyone else sat in suits. Not quite the look the man from Burbank was aiming for as he rose to thank powerhouse...

Drudge Report—U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff's luggage stolen in San Francisco. Thieves broke into the car of U.S. Senate candidate Adam Schiff, who was in San Francisco for an event – forcing a change of plans, specifically his attire, for one of his events.Schiff's car was in a downtown parking garage on Thursday when his luggage was stolen. In a photo provided by Schiff's PR agent, Schiff spoke at a campaign event in Burlingame at Ristorante Rocca dressed more casually than his guests, who were in suits and ties.His other clothes were in that stolen luggage. Schiff is a...