What is going on with London house prices? It's messy, but green shoots are appearing

by @cityam

@cityam— After a challenging few years green shoots are starting to appear in London’s property market, but it's still a bit confusing.

Independent.ie—London’s Australia House renamed Bluey House for day as show receives award. London’s Australia House has been renamed Bluey House for the day in recognition of the hit TV programme’s cultural impact, which has seen it win an award.

Buffalo Rising—Go, Dad. Go! Take your Pre-K through 2nd Graders to Theatre of Youth’s GO, DOG. GO! Squeals of delight will follow.. THE BASICS: GO, DOG. GO! a musical by Allison Gregory and Steven Dietz, adapted from the book “Go, Dog. Go!” by P.D. Eastman, with music by Michael Koerner, directed by []

The London Economic—Fitness company bucking the London trend points to green shoots of recovery. Ultimate Performance is expanding its reach with a new location in Knightsbridge.