• ZDNet

    here's what it means for the internet

    Seven years ago, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), under President Donald Trump's hand-picked Chair Ajit Pai, a former Verizon in-house lawyer, killed off net neutrality. In a decisive move, the now Democrat-controlled FCC has restored net neutrality rules along a 3-2 party-line vote.Also: How to see if your internet provider is overcharging you (or delivering slower speeds)Overseen by FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel, the FCC has reinstated rules ensuring equal treatment for all...

  • Keith Urban Has Had Quite The Transformation

    Amid Keith Urban's decades in the public eye, the ongoing journey of this intriguing Australian country music superstar has kept fans captivated.

  • What does it mean when your dog puts their paw on you?

    Learn why dogs put their paw on humans and what they're trying to communicate when they do this common canine behavior.

  • What a TikTok ban in the US could mean for you

    TikTok won’t suddenly disappear from your phone. Nor will you go to jail if you continue using it after it is banned.

    • WLNS

    What a TikTok ban in the US could mean for you

    No, TikTok will not suddenly disappear from your phone. Nor will you go to jail if you continue using it after it is banned. After years of attempts to ban the Chinese-owned app, including by former President Donald Trump, a measure to outlaw the popular video-sharing app has won congressional approval and is on its []

  • What A TikTok Ban In The US Could Mean For You

    After years of attempts to ban the Chinese-owned app, including by former President Donald Trump, a measure to outlaw the popular video-sharing app has won congressional approval and is on its way to President Biden for his signature.

  • this is why you're having such vivid dreams in spring and what they mean

    Martin Seeley, the CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay has revealed that we are actually more likely to dream in Spring, or more specifically, April as longer days play a part

  • What does it mean to be 'middle class' in 2024?

    When I was a kid, $100,000 sounded like an impossibly large sum of money. Even when I started working at my first professional job with an entry-level salary of $32,000, I thought that making $100,000 would allow one to be comfortably upper-middle class. I’m sure I’m not alone; a “six-figure salary” was, for a long time, shorthand for a “well-paid job.” But in 2024, with the cost of housing and childcare (not to mention inflation on basics like food), a family making $100,000 a year can have...

  • Legal Ease: What does incapacitated mean?

    A guardian may be appointed on an emergency basis, for a specified period of time, or for an indefinite basis.

  • What ‘Bitcoin Halving’ Means (and Why It Matters)

    Bitcoin, the world's first and largest cryptocurrency, has a unique feature called halving that occurs roughly every four years. The Bitcoin halving event is a hotly anticipated occurrence in the crypto world, and with the next one expected to take place in April 2024, here's what you need to know.

  • What marijuana reclassification means for the United States

    The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug

  • What marijuana reclassification means for the United States

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. The Justice Department proposal would recognize the medical uses of cannabis, but […]