Welcome to Green Week: How to Live a Little More Sustainably, One Day at a Time

by Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart— In honor of Earth Month, we'll be sharing a week's worth of tips to inspire you to live a little more sustainably. Follow along—and don’t be surprised if you find that living green really does equate to living better.

afaqs!—National Geographic India's 'One for Change' initiative promotes sustainable living on Earth Day. With the use of heart-stirring narratives, it shows animals' perspectives and encourages people to preserve diverse species' habitats.In less than 50 years, Earth has lost 69% of the average wildlife population. Wildlife plays a significant role in the stability of the environment, ecosystem, and our lives. The quality of our existence is determined by how well we take care of them and our planet. National Geographic in India, with a mission to ignite hope and change among viewers and the wider...

Southern California Public Radio—Earth Day 2024: 8 Ways To Live More Sustainably. These tips might not solve the climate crisis, but they can help garner momentum as we work toward a more sustainable future.

iHeartDogs.com—Terrified And Abused Puppy Held His Little Head Down Till One 'Special' Day. In the vast tapestry of canine resilience, there exists a story so profound, so stirring, that it defies the limits of mere words. This is the story of Suka, a steadfast soul who navigated the treacherous waters of cruelty and emerged, against all odds, with her spirit unbroken. Envision Suka, a trusting pup, her eyes reflecting a world of boundless loyalty and unconditional love. To her, her owner was not merely a human but a beacon of safety, a source