Warming shelter sees busiest season yet

by www.brainerddispatch.com

www.brainerddispatch.com— The Bridge on 7th Shelter closed for the season April 21.

WWLP.com—Spilka sees “sunlight” on federal shelter aid. In an interview taped the same day that lawmakers sent the governor a shelter funding bill that directs her to redouble lobbying of Washington, D.C. for help with the shelter crisis, Senate President Karen Spilka suggested there could soon be "some sunlight" on federal funding.

Honolulu Star-Advertiser—Hawaii residents could see biggest tax cut yet. Hawaii taxpayers could be seeing phased state income tax cuts that over eight years amount to the biggest reduction in state history.

LASVEGASNOW—Lee Canyon sees record growth especially during the off season. Lee Canyon, Las Vegas’ local ski destination, extended their season with spring sessions for this coming weekend. The resort is wrapping up its first season under new ownership.