Use the '365 Less Things' Method to Declutter Your Home

by Skillet

Skillet— A year seems like a long time from now, but it's really not. You can start working today to have the home you want then.

Skillet—Use the 'FlyLady' Method to Make Routine Cleaning Less Overwhelming. The 'FlyLady' cleaning method is helpful for when you're feeling overwhelmed by cleaning. It uses 15-minute increments and a detailed plan to keep you on task.

Phandroid—T-Mobile wants you to use your home internet ONLY at home. T-Mobile has started to crack down on home internet users using their internet services other than at home.

Geeky Gadgets—Home automation using Home Assistant Yellow – Local and Private. If you are considering setting up new home automation projects you might be interested in using the Raspberry Pi powered Home Assistant Yellow. Specifically designed to provide a solid foundation to your smart home needs providing both local and private security. Together with being upgradable, and extendable. As more and more people seek to simplify […]