Unclaimed refunds: 31K people in Ohio eligible

by FOX 8 Cleveland

FOX 8 Cleveland— According to the IRS, more than $1 billion in tax refunds remain unclaimed in the U.S.

Entrepreneur—These 5 States Have the Most People Eligible for $1 Billion in Unclaimed Tax Refunds from the IRS. The IRS estimates that it has more than $1 billion in unclaimed refunds due to one million Americans having yet to file their 2020 tax returns.

FOX 8 Cleveland—41 Famous people from Northeast Ohio you need to know about. The state of Ohio has produced presidents, Oscar winners, music chart toppers, astronauts and best selling authors. But what about Northeast Ohio specifically?

Kiplinger—IRS Says File Now for $1 Billion in Unclaimed Tax Refunds. Millions of people have an unclaimed tax refund from 2020 waiting for them at the IRS but don't know it. Are you one of them?