Trump can’t be in two places at once in double courtroom drama


KIFI— Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — For most people, sitting in court at their own criminal trial would represent a defining moment of their life. But Donald Trump’s return to his hush money trial Thursday does not even represent the most critical courtroom drama of his day. The ex-president’s attention is certain to stray

KEYT—Two Trump courtroom dramas could help shape the tone of a future presidency. Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — A wild day of often outlandish legal arguments and tabloid tales could not obscure the stakes for the country. Only Donald Trump could conjure a two-city legal spectacle that gave equal billing to the deepest thoughts of George Washington and a former National Enquirer publisher known for lurid

KIFI—Two Trump courtroom dramas could help shape the tone of a future presidency. Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — A wild day of often outlandish legal arguments and tabloid tales could not obscure the stakes for the country. Only Donald Trump could conjure a two-city legal spectacle that gave equal billing to the deepest thoughts of George Washington and a former National Enquirer publisher known for lurid

KTVZ—Two Trump courtroom dramas could help shape the tone of a future presidency. Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN (CNN) — A wild day of often outlandish legal arguments and tabloid tales could not obscure the stakes for the country. Only Donald Trump could conjure a two-city legal spectacle that gave equal billing to the deepest thoughts of George Washington and a former National Enquirer publisher known for lurid