Trade union FNV wants less scrutiny on people applying for welfare benefits

by NL Times

NL Times— Trade union FNV wants parliament to adjust the information obligation for welfare benefits. FNV vice-chairman Kitty Jong said the union is “sick and tired” of the way people in the Netherlands who have to rely on benefits are always being put under a magnifying glass. On Tuesday, the Tweede Kamer, the lower house of the Dutch parliament, will debate the report “Blind to People and Law” from the parliamentary inquiry committee on Fraud Policy and Services.—Rishi Sunak says young people are 'trapped on benefits' when they 'ought to be in the prime of their lives' amid push to get people with 'mild' mental health problems back to work. They will be told to get therapy and crack on under plans to be outlined this afternoon as ministers seek to reduce the 3.5million disability benefits bill.

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