• As a US ban looms, TikTok announces a $1M program for socially driven creators

    TikTok is pulling out all the stops to prevent its impending ban in the United States. Aside from initiating legal action against the U.S. government, that means shaping up its public image. On Tuesday, the platform announced its TikTok Change Makers Program, which includes 50 global creators who “create a positive impact on and beyond […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

  • TikTok creators don't believe a ban is coming

    President Joe Biden signed a bill that may ban TikTok in the U.S. but the app's creators don't think it's going to happen.

  • Florida Girl Banned from Her Prom for Wearing a Suit

    16-year-old Sophie Savidge was turned away from her junior prom because she arrived wearing traditionally male attire.

  • US May Drop Ban on Russian Diamonds

    The United States is reconsidering its embargo on Russian diamonds after major opposition from the industry and countries that play a major role in the global diamond trade. Reuters. Western countries have clamped down on the trade in Russian diamonds because of the war in Ukraine, and the European Union last December imposed new sanctions […]

  • TikTok warns it will go black in the US

    Law professors believe the case might be on a relatively fast track to the US Supreme Court.

    • TooFab

    Woman Banned From Block Party For Being a 'Jerk' Confronts Her Neighbor

    A woman has been singled out from attending a block party after being labeled a "jerk" by one of her neighbors. In the story posted to the infamous AITA ("Am I the A--hole") forum on Reddit, the OP (a.k.a. the "original poster") explained why the woman in question was the only one who didn't score an invite for a block party she's organizing, sparking judgment on both sides from the internet. Here's how it all played out. "I live in a little neighborhood, a lot of kids...

  • TikTok Lowers Threshold for Creators to Join Affiliate Program

    TikTok has reportedly lowered the threshold to join its affiliate program from 5,000 followers to 1,000. This change was not officially announced by TikTok, but it was noticed by users of the social media platform, Bloomberg reported Wednesday (May 23). The lower threshold will allow more creators to make money in the affiliate program, which enables creators to collect […]

  • Judge backtracks ruling that blocked Florida immigration law

    Just hours after handing down a ruling confirming that an immigration law in Florida was blocked, a federal judge appeared to issue a reversal of his own ruling. Judge Roy Altman issued an injunction Tuesday, temporarily blocking a key part of Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) immigration law, which would make it a felony to transport

  • Finland proposes new border law to block migrants

    Finland’s right-wing government proposed on Tuesday a new law that would allow frontier guards to turn away asylum seekers at the border, following a migrant surge Helsinki said was orchestrated by Russia. Prime Minister Petteri Orpo told reporters new legal tools were needed after the arrival last autumn of nearly 1,000 migrants without visas on […]

  • Finland Proposes New Border Law To Block Migrants

    Finland's right-wing government proposed on Tuesday a new law that would allow frontier guards to turn away asylum seekers at the border, following a migrant surge Helsinki said was orchestrated by Russia.

  • Climate change victims file suit against TotalEnergies and its shareholders

    Three days before the group's AGM, eight individuals and three associations are suing the oil giant for 'involuntary manslaughter' and 'endangering others.'

  • New driving laws could see some motorists banned from having passengers

    Drivers in England could face a ban from carrying passengers if a new driving licence law is approved