Three Ways to Take Control of Your Money During Financial Literacy Month

by Kiplinger

Kiplinger— Budgeting, building an emergency fund and taking advantage of a multitude of workplace benefits can get you on track and keep you there.

WRGB—Financial Literacy Month: Money lessons you should teach your kids. April is Financial Literacy Month– Financial experts say teaching kids about money early on will help them become more financially independent as adults.—Become a money master during National Financial Literacy Month. FEATURE — April is National Financial Literacy Month, established in 2003 to teach Americans the importance of creating and maintaining healthy financial habits. During this month, individuals are encouraged to explore topics such as budgeting, saving, investing and debt management. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, combined with a review of research and consultation with leading […]—here are the three ways you can be in control of ANY situation. Francesca Tighinean, who is originally from Romania but is now based in the US, studied psychology at City University in London. She has now detailed the multiple ways you can take control of any situation.