This Company Took Its Business Idea Straight from ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’

by Cracked

Cracked— Selling gas door to door didn’t work in Philadelphia, but a company in Charleston, South Carolina thinks they’ve perfected the plan

Cracked—Every ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Main Character’s Least-Terrible Moment. The closest Mac, Dennis, Charlie, Dee and Frank each came to selflessness over the last 16 seasons

Cracked—Rob McElhenney Wants to Give the ‘Fallout’ Show An ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ Spin. An ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’/‘Fallout’ crossover musical is too good of an idea

Slashfilm—The One Question It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Is Always Trying To Answer. Glenn Howerton has said there's one question It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is constantly trying to answer, and answering it has been a cathartic experience.