The world’s smallest Nintendo Wii

by Boing Boing

Boing Boing— Short Stack is the world's smallest Nintendo Wii, created using a trimmed motherboard and custom stacked PCBs to replace what was cut. It's the size of a deck of cards, 7.4% the volume of an original Wii console, powered by USB-C, and otherwise the real hardware of Nintendo's 2006 comeback console. — Read the rest

RussiaFeed—The U.S. has the world’s most insincere Government.. Eric Zuesse (blogs at It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e., scientifically) proven by all of the scientific analyses of the truth or falsehood of that cardinal […]—Wayne’s World is why we say “That’s what she said”. Party time, excellent! The classic comedy movie Wayne's World is a classic, and you'll struggle to find amore joyous send up of '80s and '90s culture. Amid the many gifts the film offers, one you mightn't be aware of is that it's considered responsible for popularising the classic "That's what she said" refrain. Continue reading Wayne’s World is why we say “That’s what she said”

PJ Media—‘All the World’s a Stage’: William Shakespeare’s Birthday. Today is the anniversary of both the birth and death of a man considered by many to be the greatest English writer and the greatest dramatist of all time: William Shakespeare.