The Pro-Life Movement Has A Storytelling Problem

by The Federalist

The Federalist— Women are drawn toward what is aspirational and beautiful, not scary stories of grueling and unfamiliar situations.

LifeSiteNews—The pro-life movement must reject IVF to fully defend the lives of the unborn. If the pro-life community can’t coalesce on when to save lives at conception, how can one expect the wider, relativistic, conflicted community of Americans to come to a better conclusion?—Life and Life Only. A good memoir should be more than an autobiography and less than a confessional but contain elements of both. As a reader, I am less interested in being overwhelmed with family trauma and pathos except when it informs the greater tale being told. Quite often, it is the memoirs that feature an excess of pathos More

LifeSiteNews—Jailed pro-lifers suffer the consequences of nominally ‘pro-life’ Republicans’ half-measures. The GOP had the opportunity to repeal the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE) in the 1990s and did nothing about it.