The Patron Saint of the Biden Administration Seems To Be Friedrich Nietzsche

by PJ Media

PJ Media— Nothing shows the difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump more than their occasional riffs on the campaign trail. Trump’s recent riff about Biden issuing a proclamation declaring Easter Sunday as “Transgender Awareness Day” is classic Trump. When he suggested to the crowd that maybe we should have Christian Awareness Day and maybe it should be on election day, you could probably hear heads exploding in Washington.—Biden administration considers cannabis rescheduling. Federal restrictions on cannabis could soon be eased across the nation—in a potentially historic move by the White House.

The Washington Times—The Biden administration's Hispanic chain gang. In the shadows of our Nation, a grim reality persists. Tens of thousands of Hispanic migrant children in the U.S. have fallen prey to the depraved clutches of human traffickers, their futures sold for profit and power in a $150 billion-a-year industry, with an administration complicit in putting them in what amounts to chains of modern-day slavery.

NPR—The Biden administration is moving to reclassify marijuana. Here's what that means. The Justice Department is expected to propose a new, lower classification for marijuana that would lessen restrictions on the drug. But there's another review process to come.