The Litterboom Project Launches Plastic Neutral Campaign

by Good Things Guy

Good Things Guy— The Litterboom Project has launched a new campaign in light of Earth Day to help eradicate even more plastic from the environment.

The Express Tribune—USAID to launch $20m education project. Kate Somvongsiri, the USAID Mission Director for Pakistan, has announced the forthcoming launch of the $20 million Education Resilience...

KOBI-TV NBC5—Oregon Justice Department launches "You Belong" campaign. OREGON – Residents across the state could soon be seeing messages against hate as the Oregon Department of Justice Civil Rights Unit kicked off its “You Belong” campaign Monday. According to the DOJ, the campaign is “a culturally and linguistically inclusive, statewide, multimedia public outreach effort to increase awareness of Oregon’s Bias Response Hotline.” Six […]

leicestermercury—Cure Leukaemia launches Walk For Nurses fundraising campaign. Willing participants are being encouraged to stage fundraising walks up and down the country on International Nurses Day on Sunday, May 12.