'The Best Way To Save Orangutans Could Actually Be To Save People'

by Health Policy Watch

Health Policy Watch— Planet well-being and human health are interconnected issues – one cannot be achieved without the other, according to Kinari Webb, an American medical doctor, public health innovator and thought leader interviewed on the most recent episode of the Global Health Matters podcast. During the special “Dialogues” episode, Webb speaks with host Dr. Garry Aslanyan about […]

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Skillet—The Best (and Safest) Way to Slice a Bagel. If you cut a bagel while holding it in your hand, you could potentially hurt yourself, and that’s because bagels aren't like other pieces of bread. Here is the absolutely best (and safest) way to cut a bagel.

Skillet—The Best Ways to Soundproof Your Home on a Budget. If you’re dealing with noise issues but you can’t do a full-on soundproofing renovation, you can reduce the noise in your house with a little shopping.