• 10 Best Medicated Dog Shampoos

    iHeartDogs is reader-supported. Some of the links below may be paid affiliate links, where we receive a small commission on a product at no additional cost to you. In the vast world of canine grooming, finding the best medicated dog shampoos has become essential for pet owners. Whether it’s to tackle skin infections, parasites, or allergies, the right medicated shampoo can significantly improve a dog’s skin health and overall well-being. However, with countless options available, it can be...

  • 12 Best Companion Dog Breeds: We Countdown The Dogs Who Make the Best Buddies

    Dogs are more than just pets; they are companions, confidants, and family members. While all dogs offer companionship, certain breeds are particularly renowned for their ability to bond with humans and provide comfort, loyalty, and friendship. These breeds often display traits such as empathy, patience, and an unwavering desire to be by their owner’s side. They thrive in environments where they can interact closely with humans, and they often have a calming presence that can reduce stress and...

  • 12 Best Guard Dog Breeds: We Countdown The Dogs That Keep You Safe

    When it comes to home security, a guard dog can be a formidable deterrent to potential intruders and a reliable form of protection for families. Guard dogs possess specific traits such as loyalty, courage, and an instinct to protect their territory and their human companions. These breeds are not just pets; they are trained companions capable of assessing threats and reacting appropriately to ensure the safety of their charges. While many dogs can act as alarm systems with their barks,

  • 12 Best Therapy Dog Breeds: We Countdown The Dogs That Provide Comfort and Care

    Dogs have a unique ability to sense our emotions and provide unconditional love and comfort, making them excellent therapy animals. Therapy dogs play a vital role in various settings, from hospitals and nursing homes to schools and disaster areas, offering emotional support and companionship to those in need. These dogs are known for their calm demeanor, friendly nature, and intuitive understanding of human emotions. In this article, we count down the top 12 best therapy dog breeds,...

  • Apartment Dogs: These are the 10 breeds of adorable dog perfect for owners who live in city flats

    The last few years have seen many of us welcome a new four-legged friend into our homes, as the Kennel Club has seen dog ownership rocket to record levels. But with 221 different breeds of pedigree dog to choose from, there’s plenty of thinking to do before you select your perfect pup. Those with active lifestyles might want to consider a larger dog, while somebody with allergies will be looking for a hypoallerganic dog. Living in a flat or apartment can be an issue when it comes to getting a...

    • KTVZ

    10 of the best movies about the Olympics

    Casino Bonus CA identified the 10 best-made and historically rich films about the Olympics, with stories of underdogs, high stakes, and hope.

  • 10 Best VR Shooters

    A list of the most compelling and best VR shooting games on the market.

  • 10 Best Australian Westerns, Ranked

    The best Western movies from Australia include Red Hill, The Proposition, and The Man From Snowy River.

  • Moisturising lip balms: 10 of the best

    Sometimes you just want a good, basic, old-school productBasic is a word we are used to hearing in derogatory terms: anything referred to as “basic” is mediocrity at its worst. But basic has its place. For instance, when it comes to lip products. The industry has really pushed the needle on lip-care, so that our lips are being treated to as much attention as our face. You can now get lip oils, serums, masks, treatments And I applaud that. It’s important for the industry to be forward thinking,...

  • Best £10 Deposit Casinos (2024)

    Outside of no deposit bonuses, £10 deposit bonuses are some of the best available. They are budget-friendly, easily accessible, and often don’t come with huge requirements or complex terms and cond

  • 8 Best Chamomile Supplements for Dogs

    iHeartDogs is reader supported. Some of the links below may be paid affiliate links, where we receive a small commission on a product at no additional cost to you. The world of herbal remedies is a vast one, with nature offering a bounty of benefits for our health and well-being. This also extends to our canine companions. Chamomile, renowned for its soothing properties, is one such herb that can be beneficial for dogs, provided it’s administered correctly and in the

  • The 10 Best Thrillers Where the Villain Wins

    Chilling classics like Funny Games and Se7en are among the best thrillers where the villain walks away victorious.