Teen 'dragged along road' by 4x4 after driver 'sprayed flaming aerosol' at group

by birminghammail

birminghammail— The sisters were on a night out with friends when they were attacked by a man in Hurst Street

WDTN—Warmer weather means more teen drivers, motorcyclists on the road. DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) -- As the weather gets warmer and we're starting to see the sunset later in the evening, many are eager to hit the roads -- including teen drivers and motorcyclists. Law enforcement and safety officials are reminding drivers to be aware, watch for motorcycles and put their phones down. According to Ohio []

TheJournal.ie—Road safety crisis: Readers share their stories of worsening driver behaviour on Irish roads. Readers told us driver behaviour, etiquette and compliance with the law has seriously deteriorated in Ireland.

WWLP.com—More bicyclists sharing the roads with drivers as weather warms up. With more sunny days and warmer temperatures on the way, people of all ages are taking to the roads on their bicycles.