Talks on global treaty to reduce plastic pollution begin in Canada

by— Nations agreed in 2022 to finalise a world-first treaty by the end of 2024, with concrete measures to battle plastic pollution around the world.—Talks on global plastic treaty begin in Canada. Negotiators from 175 nations began talks Tuesday to agree a global treaty to reduce plastic pollution, which is found everywhere from mountain tops to ocean depths, and within human blood and breast milk.

The Independent—Global plastic pollution treaty talks hit critical stage in Canada. Thousands of negotiators and observers representing most of the world’s nations are gathering in the Canadian city of Ottawa this week to craft a treaty to end the rapidly escalating problem of plastic pollution

KTVZ—Global plastic pollution treaty talks hit critical stage in Canada. By JENNIFER McDERMOTT Associated Press Thousands of negotiators and observers representing most of the world’s nations are gathering in the Canadian city of Ottawa this week to craft a treaty to stop the rapidly escalating problem of plastic pollution. Each day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s