Supply-Siders Pitch Trump on a Flat Tax

by The Fiscal Times

The Fiscal Times— Michael RaineyApril 18, 2024A group of conservative advisers long associated with Republican economic policies are reportedly encouraging—Are the Flat Tax Folks Winning or Have They Already Won?. What makes an income tax “fair”? Right-wing lawmakers the nation over have a ready answer. To be fair, they tell us, an income tax needs to be “flat.” Their core claim: In an evenhanded tax system with no axe to grind, everyone would pay tax at the same rate. What approach, flat taxers argue, could More

KGBT—Texas Emergency Prep Supplies tax-free weekend begins. BROWNSVILLE, Texas (ValleyCentral) — Emergency supplies sales tax-free weekend kicks off on Saturday. Effective Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and continues through Monday at midnight all emergency supplies are sales tax-free in Texas. These emergency preparation supplies qualify for tax exemption if purchased for a sales price: "I encourage all residents to prepare now for hurricane []

Americans for Tax Reforms—Yellen Feigns Ignorance of Biden Vow to End the Trump Tax Cuts. Biden said Trump-enacted tax cuts “are going to stay expired and dead forever if I’m re-elected.” In a House Ways and Means Committee hearing with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen today, she was asked about statements by President Biden vowing to end the Trump tax cuts if elected to a second term. The Biden vow means […]