Students demand more access to journalism at NYC public schools

by Gothamist

Gothamist— Students rallied on the steps of City Hall, calling for broader access to journalism in city public schools. Student journalism opportunities at New York City’s public schools tend to be limited to whiter and more affluent schools – and a group of kids wants to change that. [ more › ]—Other Opinion: Schools’ public notice plan would reduce access and harm transparency. From the editorial, The Minnesota Senate bill (SF3567) goes too far and “is contrary to the spirit of transparency that underpins democracy and Minnesota’s open-government history.”—Editorial: Schools’ public notice plan would reduce access and harm transparency. The Minnesota Senate bill (SF3567) goes too far and “is contrary to the spirit of transparency that underpins democracy and Minnesota’s open-government history.”

KHON2—Hawaii’s top public school students awarded at Citizen-Scholars Awards Ceremony. Hawaii’s top public school students received some well-deserved recognition Friday, at the Citizen-Scholars Awards Ceremony in Waikiki.