State election board tightens voter registration process, advocates call it ‘deliberate voter suppression’

by Arkansas Times

Arkansas Times— Get Loud Arkansas's leader Joyce Elliott said they're considering a lawsuit over the recent restrictive changes. The organization will host a voter rights rally at 5:15 p.m. on the Capitol steps.

Arkansas Times—State board seeks to stop Arkansans from e-signing voter registration forms. In 2024, you can electronically sign documents to buy insurance, apply for a credit card or take out a mortgage. But e-signing a voter registration form in Arkansas may soon be forbidden, at least outside of a government office.

The Monitor—Cameron County voters to elect new appraisal district board. Cameron County voters on Saturday will elect three at-large members to the newly created Cameron County Appraisal District Board of Directors.

The Federalist—Leftist Group Screams ‘Voter Suppression!’ After Colliding With Arkansas Election Law. Get Loud Arkansas, led by a former Democrat state senator, created an online page to collect sensitive information to register voters.