Something M-azing This Way Comes

by EEJournal

EEJournal— I’m a simple man. It’s very kind of you to say that you agree with everything I just said, but I hadn’t fully finished my thought. What I was going to say was that I’m a simple man and I like a simple story. Sometimes I finish an interview with someone and—as soon as the video conference call closes—I burst into tears and/or maniacal laughter (figuratively, not literally, you understand although sometimes it’s been a close call).

Apartment Therapy—I’m a Shopping Editor and This Is the One Thing I’m Buying from Wayfair’s Way Day Sale. It's over 80% off! READ MORE

Main Line Media News—Brown: You’ve come a long way, baby…. Nearing the end of my graduate school studies at Villanova in 1974, I applied to Harriton High School, Lower Merion School District, for a three-classes position teaching Latin. It was a bit of a novelty that I had a young child because the practice, long-established in education, was that married women resigned once pregnant

Scary Mommy—6 Ways I’m Slashing My Ridiculous Grocery Budget As A Mom Of 5. Gone are the days of buying three types of cereal because the kids couldn't agree on one. Groceries are expensive AF, and a mom has to cut costs where she can.