Small businesses could see big gains by boosting productivity

by @Marketplace

@Marketplace— They can achieve that through better collaboration with other firms in their industry, a new McKinsey report says.

Americans for Tax Reforms—Biden Ends Small Business Week by Weakening Small Business. President Joe Biden marked the end of National Small Business Week by vetoing a resolution that would have protected franchisees and other small businesses.—Appreciating the big role small businesses play. They’re our favorite convenience store, family-run restaurant, lawn service, electrician, plumber, hair salon and barbershop.They employ people we might know, and rely on our support to make ends meet and hopefully turn a profit.They’re small businesses, the backbone of our local, state and national economy.Every year since 1963, U.S. presidents have issued a Small Business […]

Scioto Post—How API Software Can Boost Lead Generation for Your Small Business. In the fast-paced digital marketplace, small businesses need every advantage they can get to stay competitive and grow. One technological tool that often goes underutilized in the small business sector is API (Application Programming Interface) software. By integrating various API software solutions into their operations, small businesses can significantly enhance their lead generation efforts, streamline […]