Sen. Merkley explains why he voted against supplemental funding bill


KOBI-TV NBC5— Oregon U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley says he did not vote for the new national security supplemental funding bill. This bill has many elements, including supplying aid to Ukraine and helping fight the influx of fentanyl into the states. It was signed into law by President Biden Wednesday. Another section of the bill gave funding for […]

KTVZ—Wyden votes for aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan; Merkley opposes it over military aid to Israel. WASHINGTON (KTVZ) -- Senator Ron Wyden, D-Ore., on Tuesday applauded the passage of legislation to provide Ukraine, Israel, and America’s Indo-Pacific partners with $95 billion in security assistance to support their national defense, including $9.15 billion in lifesaving humanitarian aid, and to stem the flow of fentanyl into the United States. Fellow Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley,

@cityam—Explained: What is happening with the Renters Reform Bill?. The Renters Reform Bill was introduced last year, but it has been beset by delays, and now has 200 amendments added to it. What's the latest?—Minnesota senator accidentally votes for elections bill. In what could have been initially viewed as an act of partisanship in Minnesota's Senate, a Rochester Republican legislator voted for a DFL-backed elections bill last week. However, it turns out that the vote was by accident.