Self-Destructive College Presidents

by The American Prospect

The American Prospect— Today on TAP: They are making a fraught situation worse by letting the far right define antisemitism and the necessary campus responses.

The American Prospect—What College Presidents Need to Learn. Today on TAP: And what Joe Biden had better learn

Seven Days—Middlebury College President Patton to Step Down in December. Middlebury College president Laurie Patton will leave her post next year to helm the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, a prestigious honorary society and research center based in Cambridge, Mass., that was founded during the American Revolution. Patton has led Middlebury since 2015 and is the only woman to serve as president in its 224-year history. The private liberal arts college announced her forthcoming departure on Thursday. She will continue in her role through the end of 2024....

POLITICO—McConnell: Leave handling of protests to college presidents. “What needs to happen, at least at the beginning, is these university presidents need to get control of the situation," the Republican leader said.