Rural jails turn to community health workers to help the newly released succeed

by The Voice

The Voice— The idea that county sheriffs should offer medical and mental health treatment to people in their jails is part of a broader shift in thinking.

Windsor Star—Home, community health workers protest in Windsor for wage increase. Local health care workers who say they struggle to make ends meet are petitioning the provincial government for a wage bump, and Windsor on Wednesday saw the first of a series of protest rallies planned across Ontario. CUPE members working in the home and community support services sector delivered a petition to the office of […]

KEYT—Santa Barbara opens new UCLA Health facility to help community. UCLA Health opened up a location in downtown Santa Barbara to help the community with its growing needs for health care.

Fortune—Health care workers are burned out and overwhelmed. AI can streamline operations and help them do their real job: treating patients. AI will help health care organizations simplify paperwork and enable workers to reach more patients in less time—if it's properly deployed.