Report: Kansas gov. is one of the top 10 most popular in the nation

by KSNT News

KSNT News— TOPEKA (KSNT) - A newly released report shows Kansas Governor Laura Kelly is ranked as one of the most popular governors in the nation. Business intelligence company Morning Consult says Kelly is in the top ten list for most popular governors across the U.S. following the release of a new report in April 2024. She []

KSNT News—The top 10 poker players in Kansas. STACKER - Poker in the United States is booming—again. Last year, the World Series of Poker accepted a record 10,043 entrants, who each had to fork over $10,000 to sit at the no-limit hold 'em tournament with a $93.4 million purse, including $12.1 million for the winner. The event, which started in 1970 with seven []

The Cerbat Gem—xSUSHI (XSUSHI) One Day Volume Tops $10,111.70. xSUSHI (XSUSHI) traded up 4.8% against the U.S. dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 17:00 PM ET on April 25th. xSUSHI has a total market cap of $84.18 million and approximately $10,111.70 worth of xSUSHI was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. During the last week, xSUSHI has traded 7.7% higher […]—Massachusetts grocery prices rank in top 10 highest across U.S., report. Massachusetts ranks in the top 10 with the largest grocery cost increase in the past 12 months, according to ConsumerAffairs.