Reader letter: When it comes to 'criminals' we need to show mercy

by Windsor Star

Windsor Star— In a recent Windsor Star news story, reporter Trevor Wilhelm, covering the opening of a coroner’s inquest into the death of Chad Romanick, quoted the widow speaking of the “gentle, patient, thoughtful” man who developed a drug addiction and was depressed and suicidal. Romanick was accused of attempted murder and killed himself when police showed […]

Windsor Star—Reader letter: Motorists need to stop speeding. I strongly believe that everybody should stop speeding. You can be badly injured or die. You can get arrested or fined. Your insurance premiums could go higher. Lastly, it can become a bad habit. Speeding is a major factor in traffic deaths. I know someone who almost died because someone was speeding and ran a […]

Los Angeles Times—Letters to the Editor: We don't need brain scans to show phones are really bad for kids. To the editor: "Fearmongering" is bad, but the opposite can be far worse. A case in point is the recent op-ed article debating the cause of our country's mental health crisis. ("Does social media rewire kids' brains? Here’s what the science really says," Opinion, April 26) Depression, suicide and psychiatric hospitalization rates among youth "hockey sticked" upward around 2012 and kept rising. New York University social psychologist Jonathan Haidt's recent book corroborated what we all felt:...

Reading Eagle—Letter: Treat student protesters as the criminals they are. It’s time to put a stop to the foolish, dangerous behavior taking place on college campuses.