• Amp Self Reported Market Cap Achieves $251.65 Million (AMP)

    Amp (AMP) traded 1.5% lower against the U.S. dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 23:00 PM ET on May 26th. Amp has a market capitalization of $251.65 million and $11.39 million worth of Amp was traded on exchanges in the last day. During the last seven days, Amp has traded 1.2% higher against the […]

  • G999 Achieves Self Reported Market Cap of $37.59 Million (G999)

    G999 (G999) traded down 6% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 0:00 AM ET on May 24th. G999 has a market cap of $37.59 million and approximately $0.01 worth of G999 was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. In the last seven days, G999 has traded 13.8% lower […]

  • XIDO FINANCE (XIDO) Self Reported Market Cap Achieves $34.17 Million

    XIDO FINANCE (XIDO) traded up 0% against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 0:00 AM E.T. on May 24th. During the last week, XIDO FINANCE has traded 14.2% lower against the dollar. XIDO FINANCE has a total market capitalization of $34.17 million and $254.66 worth of XIDO FINANCE was traded on exchanges […]

  • BORA (BORA) Market Cap Reaches $149.02 Million

    BORA (BORA) traded down 0.4% against the U.S. dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 0:00 AM Eastern on May 26th. BORA has a market capitalization of $149.02 million and approximately $1.13 million worth of BORA was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. One BORA token can now be purchased for $0.15 […]

  • BABB Market Cap Hits $8.26 Million (BAX)

    BABB (BAX) traded 5.3% higher against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 20:00 PM E.T. on May 20th. One BABB token can currently be purchased for approximately $0.0001 or 0.00000000 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges. In the last week, BABB has traded up 3.7% against the US dollar. BABB has a total […]

  • district0x Market Cap Hits $59.40 Million (DNT)

    district0x (DNT) traded 5.3% higher against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 19:00 PM Eastern on May 20th. In the last week, district0x has traded up 1.9% against the U.S. dollar. One district0x token can now be bought for about $0.0594 or 0.00000083 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges. district0x has a […]

  • Bitcoin’s Liquidations Hit $97 Million Amid Market Rally

    Bitcoin's liquidation is second as the market goes crazy as Ethereum pumped

  • Keep Network (KEEP) Reaches Market Cap of $161.66 Million

    Keep Network (KEEP) traded 4.7% lower against the US dollar during the one day period ending at 17:00 PM ET on May 19th. One Keep Network token can now be purchased for approximately $0.17 or 0.00000257 BTC on popular exchanges. In the last seven days, Keep Network has traded 1.1% higher against the US dollar. […]

  • MovieBloc Self Reported Market Cap Tops $77.60 Million (MBL)

    MovieBloc (MBL) traded 0.4% higher against the U.S. dollar during the 24-hour period ending at 0:00 AM E.T. on May 24th. In the last seven days, MovieBloc has traded 2.9% lower against the U.S. dollar. MovieBloc has a market cap of $77.60 million and approximately $2.19 million worth of MovieBloc was traded on exchanges in […]

  • SATS (1000SATS) Self Reported Market Capitalization Achieves $638.81 Million

    SATS (1000SATS) traded up 2.9% against the dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 18:00 PM Eastern on May 21st. One SATS token can currently be purchased for about $0.0003 or 0.00000000 BTC on popular exchanges. Over the last seven days, SATS has traded 16.3% higher against the dollar. SATS has a market capitalization […]

  • QuarkChain Self Reported Market Cap Hits $86.86 Million (QKC)

    QuarkChain (QKC) traded up 9.7% against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 20:00 PM Eastern on May 20th. One QuarkChain token can now be purchased for about $0.0124 or 0.00000017 BTC on exchanges. QuarkChain has a market cap of $86.86 million and $4.00 million worth of QuarkChain was traded on exchanges in […]

  • Pocket Network (POKT) Self Reported Market Cap Reaches $132.59 Million

    Pocket Network (POKT) traded 1.5% higher against the U.S. dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 23:00 PM ET on May 26th. One Pocket Network token can now be purchased for $0.13 or 0.00000188 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges. Pocket Network has a market cap of $132.59 million and $2.15 million worth of Pocket Network […]