Push to put sports betting on Missouri ballot collects 300,000 signatures


OZARKSFIRST— The “Winning for Missouri Education” shared they’ve collected 300-thousand signatures about a month out from their deadline to file

KIFI—Coalition to submit 900,000 signatures to put tough-on-crime initiative on California ballot. By TRÂN NGUYỄN Associated Press SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A coalition backed by some of the nation’s largest retailers has announced it has collected 900,000 signatures to put a tough-on-crime statewide ballot initiative before voters in November. The measure would roll back parts of Proposition 47, a progressive ballot measure that reduced certain theft and

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ABC7 San Francisco—Coalition to submit 900K signatures to put tough-on-crime initiative on California ballot. The ballot measure would create harsher penalties for repeat shoplifters and fentanyl dealers. Shoplifters would be charged with a felony, regardless of the amount stolen, if they have at least two prior theft convictions.