Proton adds detailed dark web monitoring for paid plans

by 9to5Mac

9to5Mac— Proton is out with the latest upgrade for its users on a paid tier. Dark web monitoring is here to help you keep your online credentials as safe as possible with alerts when you need to update passwords due to data breaches and more. Here’s how it works. more

Neowin—Proton Mail offers monitoring of the dark web for its email addresses with its paid plans. Proton has just announced a new feature for its paid Proton Mail plans, which will monitor the dark web for email addresses and alert their owners if they are found to have been compromised.

Engadget—Proton Mail’s paid users will now get alerts if their info has been posted on the dark web. Proton Mail has introduced Dark Web Monitoring for its paid users, which will keep them informed of breaches or leaks they may have been affected by. If anything's been spotted on the dark web, the feature will send out alerts that include information like what service was compromised, what personal details the attackers got (e.g. passwords, name, etc.) and recommended next steps. At launch, you’ll have to visit the Proton Mail Security Center on the web or desktop to access these alerts, but...

KHON2—Your Social Security number is probably on the dark web. Should you be worried?. With so many large-scale data breaches, is your personal information already out there?