Pros and Cons of Waiting Until 70 to Claim Social Security

by Kiplinger

Kiplinger— Waiting until 70 to file for Social Security benefits comes with a higher check, but there could be financial consequences to consider for you and your family.—The unfortunate truth about claiming Social Security at age 70. If you want to get the biggest Social Security check possible, you’ll likely have to wait until you turn 70 years old. The program rewards participants who wait to start collecting their benefits by offering them up to 8% for each year they delay past their full retirement age. Benefits top out at 70, and more often […]

CNBC—Why your financial advisor may not give you the best Social Security claiming advice. When to claim Social Security is one of the biggest decisions retirees face. But financial advisors' guidance may be biased, recent research finds.

Kiplinger—Five Reasons to Take Social Security Early (and Four Reasons to Wait). Are there good reasons to take Social Security early? While many experts say it's best to wait until full retirement age to claim benefits, here are some reasons to start early.