Property on the Costa del Sol

by Euro Weekly News

Euro Weekly News— There are many parts of Spain which are good places to settle or obtain a holiday home but the Costa del Sol continues to attract overseas buyers in large numbers. Prefer the coast or the mountains? This is a mature area within Andalucia which has a very good infrastructure not just on the coast but […]

Euro Weekly News—Elche’s ambitious plan: €16M hotel project to transform Arenales del Sol. Elche has announced the approval of a hotel investment project exceeding €16M for the AR-1 hotel plot in Arenales del Sol. This development involves unlocking the land, previously designated for caravan and motorhome parking, for the construction of a hotel complex. The current project, presented by Miraclot SL, the land’s owner, envisions a hotel complex […]

Pro Wrestling Dot Net—GCW "Breaking GCW 2024" results (4/21): Vetter's review of Blake Christian vs. Effy for the GCW Championship, Nick Gage vs. Jimmy Lloyd, Fuego Del Sol vs. Joey Janela. By Chris Vetter, Contributor

KEYT—Autoridades venezolanas allanan dos viviendas en el centro del país porque sospechaban de la presencia del líder del Tren de Aragua en la zona. Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN Español) — Las autoridades venezolanas creen que Héctor Rusthenford Guerrero Flores, conocido como el “Niño Guerrero” y líder de la banda delincuencial el Tren de Aragua, pudo haber estado recientemente en Venezuela. Así lo detalla un documento del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de Venezuela fechado el 21 de marzo de 2024,