Police arrest pro-Palestine protesters on UT-Austin campus


KTSA— Authorities told students they could face criminal trespass charges if they didn’t disperse. The arrests come amid

MSNBC—Police arrest pro-Palestinian protesters on UT Austin campus. Several arrests were reported on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin after police ordered a group of pro-Palestinian protesters to disperse.

TheHill—After mass arrest, UT Austin split over role of police in pro-Palestine protests. AUSTIN — The day after 57 people were arrested during protests on the University of Texas at Austin campus, students are divided over the police crackdown. On Thursday, like the previous day, hundreds gathered for a demonstration intended to pressure UT Austin to divest from weapons manufacturers profiting from Israel’s war in Gaza — as

Houston Public Media—Police again arrest pro-Palestinian protesters setting up camp at UT Austin. Near the start of Monday's protest, UT Police issued two orders to disperse, accusing protesters of disorderly conduct and trespassing, and threatening arrest.