Pensioners refuse to leave their park homes despite council ruling they only have permission to stay for 10 months a year

by Daily Mail

Daily Mail— Occupants of Beverley Park (resident Wendy Benton, 75, pictured) on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent say they bought the properties thinking they could stay there 12 months a year.

Daily Mail—a month after refusing to leave its dead mother in Canadian lagoon. The baby orca who was trapped in a Canadian lagoon for more than a month has escaped on its own. A rescue team is now following her closely and hopes to reunite her with her pod.

leicestermercury—Children's home planned for Leicestershire village refused permission. 'The extra traffic and noise would have a serious impact upon our very quiet and peaceful community'—Quiet And Loyal Dog 'Refuses' To Leave His Owner's Home After He Passed. In the aftermath of her beloved owner’s sudden departure from this world, Amber, a steadfast and devoted canine companion, found herself confronting a daunting expanse of emptiness within the desolate confines of an unoccupied dwelling. The loss of her human counterpart sent ripples of sorrow through her world, casting a shadow over the once-familiar surroundings that now seemed to echo with a haunting silence. Yet, amidst the palpable grief that threatened to engulf her, Amber’s unwavering...